Al bielek future map of us

Al bielek future map of us navy images

Take Al Bielek’s story for example: “According to popular legend, in , the US Navy undertook secret experiments based out of the port of Philadelphia.

al bielek future map of us

Al bielek future map of us

Michael Houtzager interviews Al Bielek in

Al bielek future map of us after flooding

Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events ( - ) Al Bielek - "The Man Who Traveled Through Time And Space"Say what you will about the concept of time travel.

Al bielek future map of us due to global warming
Time Traveler Reveals Map of the United States After Catastrophes Al Bielek was born in While working for various military contractors, the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about the US government’s involvement with extraterrestrials and PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) programs.